Mitigating the Catastrophic Effects of Psycho Spiritual Transformation on Your Family and Community & Avoiding The Scape Goat Archetype


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There is one in every family. I know them well because I have worked with them my entire career. The black sheep, the scape goat, the empath, the sensitive one, the sick one, the leper, the one who has a spiritual awakening and is mis-understood by everyone.



eBook in pdf format
15 pages

There is one in every family. I know them well because I have worked with them my entire career. The black sheep, the scape goat, the empath, the sensitive one, the sick one, the leper, the one who has a spiritual awakening and is mis-understood by everyone. This is the myth of Prometheus, Christ and Joseph, who was exiled by his brothers but later employed by the King because of his gifts to see what others could not, all of which led t his redemption, and re-integration into the family, with the respect and esteem he deserved.

If you recognize these traits in yourself then this will explain (almost) everything.


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