The Modules
1. Access the Tao
Flow is the currency of the Mystical Artist. Learning how to reliably tap into it’s current and give into it’s guidance alleviates the need for you to ever know where you’re going, let alone how to get there. Because the Muse knows. She will guide your way, but only if you’re willing to surrender, and let her lead.
In this training you will learn how to enter flow, sustain it, and ritualize your return to it, so that every time you do, your ability to sync with Her will be carved ever deeper.
2. Render Your Psyche: the Good, the Bad, the Beautiful and the Ugly.
Your art is a rendering of your internal Psychic Structure. Make no mistake. Having worked with artists throughout my career, I have seen this first hand. As a lover of great literature it is also as clear as day. Whether Joyce, Nietzsche, Rilke, or Jung – who was a Mystical Artist in his own right – they all wove their traumas, inferiority complexes, inflations and aspirations into their art. The question is not *if* your art is going to be a reflection of your Psyche, but *what part* you are going to reflect, and most importantly, whether you are going to do so consciously.
3. Identify Your Myth
You may hear a million voices in your mind, but I guarantee that you are only two Over-Arching Symbols in your life and two Elemental Dynamics that you are living through day and night.
In this training you will learn to identify all this – the Light and Dark of your Archetype – and how to create in service to them.
Whether Theseus who stood up to Medusa, or Circe who stood up to her father, or Prometheus who stole fire to give to the humans. You are a myth and you have a destiny, a path that will either shackle you to a cliff or celebrate you with an apotheosis. When you know your archetypal purpose you can weave it into your every brushstroke.
4. Ritualize the Creative Process.
Once you have developed your ability to step into Flow, and have understood the Archetype that is most going to peak your Soul, it’s time to sacralize your creative ritual by drenching your studio with unconsciously activating symbols. Think Perseus holding the head of Medusa by Cellini, or Medusa holding the head of Perseus by Garbati, or the sketch of Empedocles jumping into a volcano by Rosa or Circe standing in a pride of Lions by Barker. The trove of Great Art that we have at our finger tips offers you the ultimate in animating eros. With a cheap color printer and access to Google’s images you can render forth impeccable reproductions of archetypal patterns that will arouse the sleeping giant of your unconscious, as well and the trans-migrating wisdom of your previous life times.
There is nothing that holds an artist in a deeper embrace than the great works of her forbearers, going all the way back to the Venus and Magician cave paintings. You are not just connected to this lineage, you are a living expression of it.
5. Embrace Your Flavor of Dangerous Art
Real art is not safe. It walks the line and often has to step over it to know where it ends. If your work doesn’t make you laugh or sweat, or double you over to weep, then you may be holding back from going deep. In this group you will be joined by a hand picked group of courageous artistic pilgrims on the path, walking against the current, into the wind, in order to find the Source of all things.
If art is to be impactful, it must impact you first. Learn how to trust that instinct inside yourself, in a community of unconditional safety and support.
If you’re working on …
The Details
Duration: 12 Months
- Starting January 2025
- Two sessions per month
- First and Third Friday
- 9am – 1030am PST
- 90 minutes each
- Zoom (All sessions recorded)
- Each session will include sharing of work and supportive feedback
- All works will also be provided with a developmental and archetypal analysis
- Additional scheduled weekly times will be available for communal writing (to generate a “creative field”)
- Optional group message board for inspirational sharing encouragement (Eg: Writing now!)
- Special guest authors
- Two Tier Pricing:
- The “Kalil Gilbran”
- $1200 payable in $100 monthly installments
- For short form creatives (poets, musicians, children’s books, working on projects under 25 pages in length)
- The “Carl Jung”
- $2100 payable in $175 monthly installments
- For long form creatives (novelists, self help books, or anything over 25 pages in length). This includes quarterly in depth 1:1 analysis sessions with Zachary.
- The “Kalil Gilbran”
- Limited scholarships available. Email <> for more information.
<p>Beginning date will be announced once minimum number applicants is met<strong><br />
About Zachary
Zachary is an author, archetypal, hermetic and depth psychological analyst, and guide for those undergoing healing and transformation. He works in private practice online, and in close collaboration with naturopathic doctors, alternative healers, artists and is passionate about the development of a Standard Model of Healthy Consciousness.
“Zachary’s teachings have changed the course of my clinical practice to be much more aligned with my potential as a clinician. He provided the missing pieces that I needed to help bring my clients and myself to points of profound growth. I’ll be forever grateful for his guidance and support.”
“Would you like to go to the unconscious inner works that are playing in the client’s life and your own…decipher them, gain insight into them and learn how to address them? This class is for you! Excellent investment. You will be glad you did. I have benefited beyond I imagined. Zachary thank you!”
“Transformational is the word that comes to mind when I think about how to express what it is like to work with Zachary. Deeply transformational … on all levels; whether it be in the realm of the heart when exploring feelings and emotions; the linearity of intellect and reason when dealing with the mind; or the resonance we find in the depths of our soul. I sought out to work with Zachary thinking I needed a ‘push’ to get my business off the ground, it turned out that I had to boldly go into the depths inside myself to find the edges and blocks that were holding me back, both on a professional and personal level. Zachary’s ability to be fully present and masterfully guide towards harmony between mind, heart, body, soul and spirit, is unique. He offered deep support with profound insight, sensitivity and grace, that facilitated a potential of transformation to take place on the deepest levels of my being … and ripple through to all aspects of my life. Working with Zachary has given me many tools that I will continue to use to further step into my power and allow me to become the highest expression that I can be in this world. I am infinitely grateful that our paths crossed and that I have had the opportunity to work with him.”
~“Your work is like human ayahuasca.”~“If Paul Rudd and Jesus had had a baby”