The Langlois Bridge at Arles with Women Washing, by Vincent van Gogh (1888). Symbolic Translation: Women (the Feminine Principle) washing (processing, metabolizing, cleansing what has been made unclean, ‘wounded’, with a bridge in the background (the liminal space that re-members and reconnects one part of the psyche (the conscious mind) to another (the unconscious wound). That Vincent chose to paint the carriage in the very center of the bridge is also telling – it is the most precarious moment of the (healing) journey, where the greatest delicacy, trust and skill is needed on the part of the carriage driver (practitioner), to make it across the (emotional) waters, and that always conjures the river Styx that guides us into our own personal underworld with Charon the trusted boatman. All of which is the very definition of depth psychological, somatic healing rendered symbolically in great art. What an earful. God bless you Vincent.
The Energetic Path
of Processing Trauma
Reviving of Lost Capacities
Saturday, October 12th
Teaching Followed By Q&A
10am- 12noon PST
Register here: $35
Without the ability to Process, Projection is our only means of unburdening ourselves from the pain of trauma.
As we begin to Process we come into contact with the most important element of our traumas – The Inner Child, AKA The Compromised Ability, AKA The Lost Capacity – the part of us that was wounded and that De-Potentiates our life.
In this training you will be provided with a Clear and Concise Map to walk this path of healing and re-animate these lost capacities with yourself, your clients and your family.
I hope you will join us.